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"A Gracious End to a Sad Review"
Jeremiah 52

Wednesday AM Bible Study
July 27, 2005

This final chapter is a review of the closing events of Judah at the time of its fall. Much of the information is duplicated in 2 King 24:18-25:30. Jeremiah 53:28-30 - which tells of the numbers involved in particular deportations - is added in Jeremiah; and there is the addition also of the story of the slaying of some of the sons of Zedekiah (v. 10), as well as descriptions of the items in the temple (vv. 19-23).

This chapter begins with the sad review of the destruction and deportation of Judah because of its sin. This teaches us that God keeps His promise to judge those who cling to hidden sin and who grow hardened in it. But it ends with the story of the mercy shown to King Jehoiachin in Babylon. This also teaches us that God is a merciful God to those who are unworthy of His grace.

I. ZEDEKIAH'S FALL (vv 1-11).
A. This brief overview of Zedekiah shows that God was justified in His actions toward Israel (vv. 1-3). It reminds us that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.

B. The overview is followed by the specifics of the conquest of Judah. Babylon held siege against Jerusalem for three years before it finally fell (vv. 4-6).

C. Though the king sought to escape, he was captured. His sons were put to death before his eyes; then he was blinded, and taken captive to Babylon. This is the last we hear of him (vv. 7-11).


A. Shortly thereafter, Jerusalem is destroyed. First, we're told that the temple was destroyed; and then that the large houses of Jerusalem were burned. Finally, the walls were broken down (vv. 12-14).

B. After these acts of destruction, the people were deported to Babylon. Some of the poor, however, were left to tend the vineyards and the farms (vv. 15-16).

III. BABYLON'S BOOTY (vv. 17-23).

A. The temple items made of precious metal were broken into pieces and carried away to Babylon (v. 17). What a horrible sight it must have been to see God's temple items smashed and salvaged for its metals!

B. The utensils used in the temple service were also taken away (vv. 18-19).

C. Among the items taken from the temple were the fabulous pillars that had been built by Solomon (1 Kings 7:15-22) - pillars that had been such a great source of spiritual pride. They were called Jachin ("He shall establish") and Boaz ("In it is strength"); and yet, they were being taken away.

IV. JUDAH'S EXILES (vv. 23-30).

A. Several of the key military leaders and surviving men were put to death (vv. 24-27).

B. The remaining were deported. There are three deportations recorded in these verses. The first was in 598 BC, the second occurred eleven years later; and the final five years later. There were other deportations as well.

V. GOD'S MERCY (vv. 31-34).

A. The final words show God's mercy to King Jehoiachin (Zedekiah's brother) while in Babylon. The son of Nebuchadnezzar (Evil-Merodach; whose name means, "The Man of Marduck") showed kindness to him and gave him a more prominent position than the other kings that were in captivity (vv. 31-32).

B. The remaining days of Jehoiachin were lived in comfort in Babylon (vv. 33-34). This reminds us that, though they were being punished, God still had a future for Israel.

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