A. The condition of the people (8:4-13).
1. They were perpetually backsliding (4-5).
2. They were ignorant of the judgment of the Lord (6-7).
3. They were deliberately unwise (i.e., rejecting God's wisdom; 8-9).
4. Their priests and prophets were covetous (10).
5. Their priests and prophets were superficial (11).
6. They were unashamed (12).
7. They were barren (13; see also Matthew 21:18-19).
B. The result of their condition (8:14-22).
1. They were silent (14).
2. They were without peace (15-16).
3. They were in danger internally (17).
4. They were abandoned (18-19).
5. They were not saved (20).
6. They were without healing (21-22).
C. The sorrow of their condition (9:1-6).
1. The prophet would weep for them (1).
2. They were not to be trusted (2-6).